About Me

A freelance writer and emerging name in both sports and music journalism, Jacob DeLawrence (formerly known as "Ghost" or "DeLa") continues to provide a refreshing take with his honest, witty, and relatable style of writing along with his multimedia work as a podcaster and producer. 

The Story of ReUp Sneakers as Told By "Nike" Nate

Do you feel like you would've been able to even get ReUp off the ground without her?

No, no not at all.

If she would've given me a hard time about it or not backed me as strongly as she did and still does, there's no way it would've happened. I owe her a lot of gratitude for the simple fact that she was supportive and she told me to go for it. Once I had her blessing to really pursue it, I really went for it and things really started to move.

Leaving a job of 15 years to go start something of

The People’s Champ: A Reasonable Conversation with Shea Serrano

There’s a proverb that says “Necessity is the mother of invention.” For Shea Serrano that couldn’t be any truer. Necessity is what led Shea to go from a high school teacher in Texas to a New York Times bestseller.

In this edition of A Reasonable Conversation, I was able to sit down and talk to Shea about everything from politics to why the Seven Second or Less Suns teams are severely overrated to why Regina George is a classic movie villain.